Fraud prevention
Act locally, face to face - follow this rule and avoid 99% of fraudulent attempts.
- ✅ Don't pay anyone you haven't met in person.
- ✅ Beware of offers related to online earnings - chat with locals you may meet in person.
- ✅ Never transfer funds (e.g. PayPal, CitiBank) - anyone who asks you to transfer is a scammer.
- ✅ Do not accept money transfers from strangers - this is either cashing illegal money with your help or a way to further manipulate you.
- ✅ Never provide financial information (information about a bank card, electronic accounts CitiBank, PayPal, etc.).
If you are tricked by someone you met in person, contact your local police station.
If you suspect that Chat Vale profile may be fraudulent, please send us details.
Fraud detection
Most fraudulent attempts involve one or more of the following:
- ✅ An email or text message from someone outside of your area.
- ✅ Vague initial request, such as asking for "help". Bad grammar/spelling.
- ✅ Inability or refusal to meet face to face to complete a transaction or provide assistance in person.